How it works

Are your employees giving their best?

An unpleasant work environment can have a significant cost in terms of court settlements and replacement of valued employees. Similarly, workplace fraud and theft are increasing at all levels.

Fortunately these business costs can be substantially reduced with a properly managed employee hotline.

    • Bullied employees waste up to 52 per cent of their time at work,
      — Canada Safety Council.
    • Bullied employees are more likely to leave their jobs. A manager paid $50,000 a year can cost $50,000 to replace. —
    • Sexual harassment is a major factor in the career decisions of many Canadian women.
      — Conference Board of Canada survey
    • Performance of work teams sufferes in the presence of sexual harassment.
      — U.S. study reported by Queens University
    • Court cases and punitive damages are rising dramatically in the U.S., from $12.7 million in 1992 to $50.3 mllion in 2002
    • Acts of workplace wrongdoing account for the majority of business losses suffered by companies, today.
    • Of 148 companies surveyed, More than 1 in 3 experienced employee theft in the past five years. The average reported loss was $348,306
      — Chub Group of Insurance Companies
    • Stealing from the workplace cost British retailers more than �1.5 billion in the 12 months to June 2006.
      –Guardian Unlimited, UK
    • In the retail industry businesses recover an average of $1,350 from each employee apprehended for stealing, compared to $196 recovered from shoplifters.
      — US Small Business Admimistration
    • People don’t report fraud
    • A recent national poll showed that a sizable number of Canadian employees have committed or at least witnessed workplace fraud. They reported incidents like padding expense accounts, taking kickbacks, forging invoices or stealing cash. But only 34% of those who knew of the incidences reported them.
      — Canadian Initiative on Workplace Violence
    • Fraud is extensive
    • An estimated 79% of workers admit to either stealing or considering stealing from their employer … one out of every three businesses goes out of business because of employee theft.
      –The Cheating Culture, David Callahan

An unpleasant work environment can have a significant cost in terms of court settlements and replacement of valued employees.